Monday, November 19, 2012

3rd month of school already??

The weeks fly by, as much as I like my school year to go by quickly, I hate the idea of my babies growing up.  Sara is getting so big and verbalizing everything.  Although she has amazing verbal skills she is very stubborn about learning.  She can finally count to ten, recognize her colors, she is not catching on to numbers and letters.  She can identify a few letters and numbers but has not interest in them.  I have tried flash cards, foam letters, reading, magnets, writing, a letter a day, and still she will tease and tell me everything is "S" or "X, Y, Z".  I guess its so frustrating because by 2 1/2  Evan could identify all letters and numbers.  Her problem solving skills, balance, and fine motor skills exceed Evan.  She can completely dress herself correctly.  Evan still wants me to put his shirt on. 
  Oops I started this post a few weeks ago and never finished.  Well Sara can tell me whose name in her class goes with the letter but she doesn't name the letter if I show her B - she tells me Brett, M- Mandy.  I guess she learns very differently from Evan!


  1. I wouldn't worry about her lack of interest in letters and numbers. Evan was very unique to know them all by 2 1/2 year olds. Like you said, every child has their own strengths and. I'm impressed that she can already dress herself! Nadia just recently started dressing herself. Ian is no where near that except he does like to zip up his sleeper pjs every night. I've been more laid back than some with teaching my kids skills and yet they are still going to be doing things at a far more advanced pace than kids learned things decades ago (ex. I didn't start reading until I was 5 years old). We keep pushing things down to earlier ages, and I'm not a fan of it. I mean if kids learn things on their own just by being read to and such - that's great, but I think the most important things for prechoolers are to play (they learn so much through playing) and be read to (a large vocabulary is the most accurate predictor of future success in school). Both of your children sound like they are very bright. I am sure they're both going to do very well in school, especially with you for their Mom!

  2. P.S. Did you see that Shuttefly is giving away one free calendar per address this week? Of course I had just placed an order with them yesterday for two calendars, but I'm still going to claim the free one (just pay s/h) and give it as a gift to someone else.
