Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Halfway Point...

Where does the time go?  Summer vacation is half over.  I love being home with the kids and love being lazy without a schedule.  Evan was called to model at Fisher Price this week, a Mavis the train from the Thomas Line.  He has been waiting to be called because he wanted to buy the Gotham City Jail for batman.  My nephew gave him the batcave and I purchased the small batcave on the right after his allergy appointment.  Sara chose Princess and the Potty.  Its hilarious, the doll sits on a potty and when she does it looks like there is #1 and #2 in the potty, there is a lever to flush and it turns back to blue water.  The neighborhood kids were enthralled with it.

My Dad is back at Roswell he was running a fever on Saturday and was admitted and has had to receive a transfusion and platelets each day.  He ran out of clean pajamas this evening and I offered to deliver them if my Mom would watch the kids, instead she said why don't we all go.  It takes about 25 minutes to get there.  So we brought the kids into the hospital.  They have never been there before.  Evan was very sad.  Hopefully next time my Dad calls to talk to him he will spend a little more time speaking to him now that he has seen how lonely Grandpa is.       Sara wanted to know how Grandpa would get home.  She was very happy to see him.  The kids usually see my parents every day.  Its been difficult because they haven't been able to have any physical contact with him since April.  Sara loves to sit on Grandpas lap and hasn't been able too. 
     We purchased Evan's backpack from Lands End via Sears today.  His school supply list is almost complete.  I can't believe my baby will be at school everyday.  They grow up way to fast.  Today we had gymnastics and Sara only cried once.  She burst into tears and I took her to the bathroom and she told me she wanted to go home but luckily after that she stayed for the rest of the class. During the previous classes it happened multiple times and  I had to sit out in the gym with her several times.  Its surprising because she is so independent.  Last Friday my high school girlfriend came over and brought her Freshman daughter.  Her daughter babysat while we went for dinner.  It was fantastic we will have to do it more often.   A whole new meaning to BYOB - Bring your own babysitter!  I guess having our kids years after all our friends will have some perks.  Another couple that was in our wedding had their son graduate from high school this year.  They always offer to bring there daughter to babysit when we go out.  I think I'll take them up on it next time. 

     The last picture is from our blueberry picking trip.  We picked 16 pounds in less than an hour.  Sara and I have been eating lots of blueberries.    I gave away lots of blueberries to my parents, my aunt, and our neighbors.  I froze enough for blueberry muffins but surprisingly we are almost out of the fresh ones and I considered going picking again.  Maybe if it cools off this week.   

Friday, July 13, 2012


     The last week of school we had an incident and Evan fell in the neighbors pool.  It was a huge wake up call for all of us.  He has always been very hesitant about the pool and this reinforced it.  He is comfortable if he can touch the bottom but fights us to wear swimmies, life jacket, and puddle jumper.  At our cottage  last week we were able to convince him to swim of the boat although he wouldn't let go of me.  Sara swims independently if she has a life jacket or puddle jumper on.  Yesterday we started private swimming lessons at a neighbors pool.  The kids have a one on one lesson for a half hour for $5.  Evan was the last lesson and he told me I need to come in.  So I fully expected that he would last about a minute.  He lasted the entire half hour.  Our friends had super heroes that were in the pool and as long as Evan could play with them and look for them he was fine.  Marc came home at 2pm, and asked Evan about his lesson he told him it was awesome. 
      We took a ride to our cottage and I rode the tube with the kids.  Evan had a blast and didn't want to get off.  He kept telling Marc faster and we even went in and out of the wake.  Last night in bed I asked him what the best part of his day was and he say his swimming lesson.  What a relief! 
     Sara is completely potty trained she runs to the bathroom herself to go.  She tells me to leave and shut the door if she goes #2, and has woken up dry every morning.  Twice she has woken me up around 6am to tell me Mommy I need to go potty.  Now to conquer the pacifier.  It will not be as easy as potty training. 
     My Dad is heading in for his 4th chemo treatment today.  He has to go not because he needs it but because there is no bed to put him in in the transfer unit.  My Dad has non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and is undergoing a stem cell transplant (with his own cells) and will be in the unit for 2-4 weeks.  They will completely kill his immunization system and extract his cells, grow them, and then return the cells to him.  It has a 50% success rate of curing the cancer at his age.  The unfortunate thing is there is no test at the end to know if it worked.  He will have to continue being monitored to see if the Cancer is gone.  My mom is so stressed and disappointed that this 4th treatment is happening.  My Dad is completely dependant on her and has no idea how much pressure and stress he puts on her.  She told me this week I would much rather be watching the kids everyday than running to Roswell each day.  I have offered to take him but she wants to be in control of the care and some days he is there 4-9 hours.  He has undergone weekly plasma and blood transfusions it is so difficult to see him go through it. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Potty trained!!!

We did it after a slow start and lots of candy treats, Sara took off like a champ.  We had 3 days of accidents and 5 days of success.  Sara was very hesitant to go #2 on the potty and held it for 2 days, once she went she decided it was fun to go "Poooooh- Poo" as she says.  She doesn't even want to wear her diaper at nights.  Yesterday we were at our cottage and she told me I need to go poop, we tried twice and didn't have luck.  A few minutes later she came running out without pants on and told me she went.  Great job Sara you did it! 

     We have had a great first week of vacation.  We made it to the village pool twice, the beach, the village playground, accomplished some shopping and errands.  I love being home with the kids and they love playing with the neighborhood children.  We usually walk to my parents before bed and while we walk home Evan is on the lookout for any kids he can play with. 
     Last night both the kids were asleep by 6:30, it was heaven.  Sara can skip a nap without getting cranky and then fall asleep early and sleep all night.  We now try to give her a shower at the cottage and put her in jammies, knowing she will be asleep within minutes in the car. 
     Marc has Wednesday-Sunday off and so far we have no plans.  I would love to go car shopping at some point, not that I want to deal with a car salesman but its time to get a new car.  I'm debating between waiting for the 2013 Honda Accord or getting the Honda Oddysey now.  My car is 7 years old and although I love now having a payment it is starting to look  a little rough.  My car is my last priority and luckily we have not had to put any money into it in 7 years other than gas, a set of tires, and a set of brakes. 

    This morning I finished the kids 4th of July pictures.  After the 12 hour night of sleep they cooperated for some pictures.  Last week he had to go for Allergy tests.  He has severe seasonal allergies.  The Allergist warned me in advance that sometimes on children it takes 2 years to show up on the test.  Well he was correct the only allergy that showed was an allergy to cats, funny since I can only recall one time Evan has petted a cat or been near one.  His back looked horrible and is still healing.  He has itched it non stop, I wish I would have taken a picture.  He had 25 pin pricks, that swelled beyond belief as well as additional rashes from them on his back.  So the Dr. told us we could continue using the allergy meds we have been using (Rx eye drops, nasal spray and Allegra) or he could try Singulair.  He wants to see Evan in April when his allergies are full blown.  He said he could order blood testing but wanted to wait until April.  Hopefully next year will be a mild allergy season.