Monday, May 7, 2012

One of those moments

Today was one of the moments that struck me as the entire journey to this point has been worth it.  Over the years I've had envy of those who have easy pregnancies, easy conception, sleeping babies, etc.  After the struggle to conceive, losing Rachel, and then our twin sons, being on bedrest, having abdominal surgery during pregnancy, followed by two c-sections, life was never a walk in the park.  Today as I sat with Evan at his Mothers day tea, it was worth every tear, scar, sleepless night, and struggle. 

He was so proud to have me next to him.  We shared our snack of sundaes, and then his class sang for us.  It was adorable!  He was so proud to have everyone clap after each song.  Priceless!  They answered questions about their mom, well Evan told them his mom is 83... well 38 is more accurate.  Evan has always been Mommy's boy and I love it!!  I had to leave school and then return after lunch.  I felt like I floated in I was so happy today.  I'm so proud and happy to be a Mom.

So glad we persevered and tried every available option for parenthood.  What a fantastic day.  While we were trying to start a family and after our losses, I always loved the word Believe, for so many reasons.  I had a bracelet with a Believe charm, and we have a wooden cut out of the word on our dresser.  Through my losses and grief that word meant so much, belive in God, belive it will happen, believe in afterlife, believe we will see our babies again, and believe we will be parents some day, believe my babies will be delivered safetly, believe in the abdominal cerclage, believe in my intuition.  Such a simple word and such peace it has brought to me.  Today it really felt like that belief has brought me such joy!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Our journies weren't identical (I can't imagine having a stillborn), but our journies to becoming moms were certainly both long and painful. I haven't forgotten the pain of infertility, miscarriage, etc., but I 100% agree that it was all worth it and the pain has subsided greatly now that I have two precious kids to hold in my arms. I'm glad you had such a special day! Happy Mother's Day to you! (a holiday I used to dread in the worst way) I'm so glad you kept believing and perservering. I am sure some would have given up all hope after losing three babies like you did, but boy aren't you soooooooooooo glad you kept on believing!!!! Miracles do happen!
