Saturday, April 28, 2012

Talking up a storm!

Sara has turned into a chatterbox.  I was a bit concerned in February her preschool teacher suggested we have her speech evaluated.  I hesitated but said I would make the call.  The more I spoke to neighbors, our sitter, and friends, they all thought it was a complete waste of time to call.  Sara talks non-stop its not always clear but she has 7-8 word sentances at times.  Yesterday she asked my Mom after shopping at Wegmans, "Why that boy take our cart?"  Yesterday she asked for a dink(drink) and I asked he what she wanted, I had a hard time making out lemonade.  She has a very broad vocabulary and can usually get across her point.

I had to pick the kids up from preschool this week and I was able to speak with her teacher.  Sara barely talks in class, so she is just busy observing.  The funny thing is once she gets around us she never stops talking.  This morning at 4am, I heard "Mom", I ignored her and then I heard "Mom come to my room". 

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