Saturday, February 11, 2012

And another week flies by!

These weeks are flying by... 18 more weeks until summer vacation. Another week of school until Februrary break. We had a busy week, Monday Marc's mom flew home to SC and I went to school with Evan, and went back to work for the afternoon. Tuesday was Evans birthday and our tour of the local Catholic school for possible preK, Wednesday was ice skating, Thursday was Evans 4 year appointment, and last night we were exhausted.

Evan was 32 pounds fully clothed and 39 inches. He was in the 16% for weight and 25% for height. He doesn't look that short next to his peers. The ped told us to keep up the whole milk for him she said it was nice to see a kid that wasn't a weight concern. I don't think Evan will ever need to worry, Marc and my Father in law are built the same way.

Sara is talking up a storm. The other night she took a bath without Evan and sat and made soup for a long time. She was happy pouring from one container to another, stirring it, cooking it, and tasting it. It is so much fun to watch her imagination grow. She has entered princess stage and we watch Cinderella and Snow White on a normal basis. The downside is the kids fight over who watches on the TV and who watches on a small portable dvd player I bought aka the baby tv.

I think the screen on my laptop is going, I've had it start turning colors and turn black now twice. The replacements seem to be never ending. We have replaced our washer, stove, and microwave this year. Our microwave would start on its own and we would find it running. Yesterday there was water in the basement under the freezer the door appeared to be shut so I turned the temp down and it seems to be working but I'm sure thats next. Of course our 13 year fridge that I would like to replace is still going strong.

We actually had a dusting of snow last night. This is such an unusual winter, although I'm not missing a typical Buffalo winter. I would have loved to use up our snowdays. I've never taught a year without getting at least one. A few years ago Buffalo had a freak storm in October and due to the power outages we had a week off. Some schools give unused days back and add them to Easter or Memorial day but I know this will never happen with our current Superintendant. Wishful thinking though.

Today I think I'll attempt a new soup recipe. I bought a new soup cookbook at Sam's last week and want to try something new. It feels like since we have had kids we eat the same things over and over. A biggy occured last night Sara drank an entire cup of strawberry milk . This morning I asked her if she wanted juice or milk and she said milk. She has avoided milk except for a few sips when she is desparate for a drink since she stopped the bottle. She eats lots of cheese, will have drinkable yogurt, and will eat yogurt if I put sprinkles on it.

Sara loves to put money in her piggy bank. Last week at Evans party she was reaching in my Father in Laws pockets looking for coins. She brings the bathroom stool into the kitchen to search the counters for coins. Marc usually empties his pockets when he comes home. I even caught her taking money out of a coin roller maching in our bedroom and putting it in her piggy bank. She turned the laundry backet upside down so she could climb it to reach our dresser. Sara is going to be my problem solver! I guess we won't have to stress the importance of saving to her!

1 comment:

  1. Nadia is definitely in the princess stage. We watched Cinderella for the first time this week, and thankfully Ian is young enough that he also enjoys it. I am bracing myself for the day I experience what you're already experiencing of the kids having different tastes in what to watch. I hope the rest of your school year flies by, and you guys have an awesome summer together. Thanks for sharing in our excitement. Your comment on my blog really meant a lot to me.
