Monday, May 27, 2013

3.5 Years old and 3.5 months since my last post.

Yikes... its been way to long since I posted.  My little baby is 3.5 years old today.  She is growing up so fast

  • We moved Sara to her big girl bed and it is big, I didn't realize how thick the mattress and box spring were until Marc assembled her new bed.  It is the tallest bed in our house!
  • Her sleep has improved and most nights she stays in bed, but will often call out in her sleep for Mom.  I am a super light sleeper and end up getting up at least once a night, usually to put blankets back on the kids. 
  • Sara has completed preschool and will head to full day pre-k next year.  Although she seems so young.  She is so ready for this.  She wants to do everything Evan does.
  • Since January she has learned all of her letters and has taught herself to write most of them.
    • She can write Mom, Dad, Evan, and Sara.  She loves to write and I am spelling constantly for her.
    • She can say the entire alphabet and count to 13.
  • Sara is still a fantastic eater, just not at meal time! 
  • Breakfast is one of the following: a pineapple or strawberry Greek yogurt, bacon and toast, fried or scrambled eggs, cereal with milk, fruit, or sometimes she asks for vegetables and dip!
  • Lunch is pizzas on triscuits (she loves to help make these), soup, vegetables with dip, fruit, crackers and cheese, bread with jelly, spagettios.
  • Dinner is easy she will typically eat whatever we do if she doesn't eat she will at least sit with us.  I don't make a big deal because she eats so many fruits and vegetables throughout the day.  She loves turkey, roast beef, and chicken.  Her favorite is gravy!
  • Sara loves Popsicles and freeze pops.
  • We struggle with the Gr sound grandma is yamma, and the the l sound, like, is yike.  Although she struggles her comprehension and vocabulary are extensive.
  •  Lately we play lots of doggy, and baby.  Sara loves to pretend she is a dog, and likes to be fed treats, be petted, and lick my hands (yuck!!)
  • She plays with her dolls and loves to dress them take them for stroller rides and play mommy.
  • Sara is very adventurous and is learning to ride a two wheeler and a scooter.  She will probably master this before Evan. 
  • Daddy is Sara's favorite, and she has him wrapped around her fingers.
  • We love to have our nails and toes painted.
  • Her clothing of choice is dresses and she wants to wear them no matter what the weather is. 
  • She also loves to match head to toe in the same color.  She often dresses herself with great pride and is hurt when we laugh at the combinations.  A few weeks ago it was 70+ out and Sara was wearing a red cardigan with crystal buttons, with red fleece pants, and a red Christmas headband in her hair.  I didn't fight it but after a few comments from neighbors she was willing to change.  She also wants to wear head to toe orange!
  • Sara is a good helper and will help me clean up and dust. 
  • We have a bit of a temper at times.  She will stomp away and hide for a few minutes and then come and tell us she is sorry. 
My Dad is back in Roswell with colitis and sepsis.  I told Evan and Sara that Grandpa was so sick that they wouldn't even let him have a drink or an ice chip for 2 days.  Evan was so upset by this that he whispered to Sara.  I asked what he was planning.  He told me in a whisper Batman voice that him and Sara were going to break Grandpa out.  I asked how they were going to bring him home?  He told me they would get him and help Grandpa walk.  I said Grandpa is too sick to walk.  Evan told me they would steal a wheelchair.  I asked if you were going to use the bat plane?  He said they would use my car.  I asked who would drive, he said that I could drive them there.  Grandpa could sit next to me on the way home.  This story completely made my Dad's day and hopefully week.  Today they transferred him from ICU to IMC, hopefully he'll continue to improve quickly. 
     So on top of my Dad being in the hospital and trying to visit, we have been juggling babysitters daily.  My sitter quit unexpectedly in April and my mom was going to watch Sara for the remainder of the year.  Well my Dad has spent 3 of the last 4 weekends at Roswell.  We have a retired teachers aide who watches Sara and is wonderful and a friends daughter is done with college and fortunately has watched Sara each time I have needed her to.  4 more weeks of school to go, Evan has 2 1/2 weeks to go, I'm ready for summer!

1 comment:

  1. You have two amazing kids! She is soooo pretty, and just like her big brother is soooo smart! She already knows so much and is 2 years away from starting Kindergarten! Ian knows his letters but has zero interest in learning to write them yet. I hope you four have a fabulous summer and that your dad will be on the mend.
