Sara is 3 today... whew! that flew by! Yesterday we celebrated her birthday at preschool. It was my first time being a helper this year. They decorate a birthday chair, let them throw confetti, be the leader, and have their mom their all day. We had a blast and she was so well behaved. She chose her friend Mandy to sit next to her during snack time. Today we awoke to balloons on her chair, a musical birthday card, and one gift. Evan had a very tough time with Evan having the attention. He had a breakdown at the house and then at my moms before getting on the bus. At our sitters Sara had a gift of Princess squinkies awaiting her. When Sara and I came to pick Evan up at my Moms, Sara received her presents from my parents, the coveted Cinderella mirror, she jumped up and down and was so excited. Grandma also gave her some clothes and a $50 bill, and Sara clutched it and said now I can buy exactly what I want! Where does she get this stuff? We explained that the money has to go in the bank. Well when we came home she managed to take the money out of the card and was crumbling it up to fit in her bank!

My Aunt came over and brought Sara some wonderful books and a leap frog Dog. We bought Sara the Little Mommy Doctor Doll and a pack and play set and some doll clothes. Evan and Sara had a blast playing with the doll and making her better. She talks and her head turns red when she has a fever. Hopefully we will play with this often and it won't just be a novelty. The kids love to play with the Fisher Price Doctor set so I hope this works the same way. Marc tried so hard to be home. Yesterday he woke up at 3am to go to Staten Island he made it home at 8pm, and planned to be home tonight. At dispatch this morning he had to go to Philly, so I videotaped and took lots of pictures.

Sara has come a long way the past few weeks, she says her alphabet, identifies 8 letters, counts to 10, and sings lots of songs. She is a great problem solver and has a incredible memory. When she talks on the phone she always ends her calls with I love you so much! She does tell Marc I love you the mostest! Dad is preferred over Mom by a long shot. She is a easy child to feed. She loves raw vegetables, especially cauliflower, peas (in the shell I buy at Wegmans), carrots, celery, and broccoli. She would prefer vegetables raw rather than cooked. She will also eat chicken, steak, and loves roast beef. She will not eat any ground beef.
Sara is still in her crib, we have tried the toddler bed and she climbs out over and over again and tells us she needs to check on us. She has never climbed out of her crib. Naps seldom happen, if she falls asleep in the car or in front of the tv she may take one, but then doesn't fall asleep until 9:30, or 10:00 pm. She has been completely potty trained since June. We still use a sippy cup only out of convenience but she is completely capable of using a drinking cup.
Sara is my child I have to watch. I never know what she will get into. Evan has always been the complete opposite and I never had to worry. Now I need to worry when she disappears or it quiet for to long. Last week it became very quiet as I was getting ready in the morning. She had went in her room and climbed behind her chair and I found her unwrapping a tampon. I keep waiting for the day she gets into makeup or nail polish. I try to be vigilant but she is very resourceful in getting what she wants. She will dump the clothes basket and use it to climb up on. My parents laugh because I was always climbing up on the counters. My mom used to tell me she was going to come to my house some day and walk on my counters. When we were little we were playing hide and go seek and I climbed on top of the fridge! Sara has acquired my climbing abilities.

Marcs mom is flying in on Thursday and staying 10 days. Saturday we will have Sara's birthday party.