Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer Goals

Its almost time for our summer goals, here they are:
  1. Potty train Sara - once school is out I'm quitting the diapers, I think I'm going to bribe with nail polish, she loves to have her nails done and I keep telling her only big girls have them done.
  2. Good bye pacifer this is my mid summer goal for her.  She only uses it to fall asleep but I am not letting this go until next summer.
  3. Evan needs to learn to write his name.  He can do the E, but hates to color and write.  I purchased a new Lego to give him when he masters his name.  There will be a Lego/bribe theme this summer!
  4. We are ditching the baby potty for Evan, he prefers to go #2 on the baby potty.
  5. Goodbye sippy cup!
  6. Evan and Sara need some sleep training.  Evan likes me in his bed when he falls asleep which turns into an hour plus some nights, and Sara falls asleep on  the couch each night.  We have some major work to do with this.
  7. Clean.... organize... and purge, I'm starting this with a garage sale at our cottage today.  I'm getting rid of all the things that are not nice enough for the consignment sale.  I'm selling all of my maternity clothes, some are from 2004... its time to kiss them goodbye.
  8. Exercise!! I bought some new dvd's and its time to get my butt moving.  No more excuses, as I sat on the couch alone at 6am and started to watch a Pilates program on TV and still wasn't motivated to join in. 
  9. Clean the kitchen each night before counters are not always empty/cleared off due to falling asleep with Ev.
3 more weeks of school to go.  On another note I received my proctor schedule for Exam week and I have 6 duties.  I checked a half dozen other teachers and they have 3-4, I debated emailing the Assistant Principal and decided to.  I told him I didn't mean to complain but it seems awfully unequitable.  I asked if there was any rhyme or reason to it.  So far no response.... hope it was a mistake!


  1. Great goals! I should do the same and come up with some goals for the summer. I definitely want Nadia to start learning to write some letters, and her name would be a great place to start! :-) Ian gave up the baby potty at the feeding clinic. My next step with him is to get him trained at night. I hope the next 3 weeks just fly by for you and that you guys have an awesome summer!

  2. I somehow lost your email address. My question for you is if you had trouble sleeping when you were on bedrest? Maybe I should start napping during the day as I do get sleepy during the day, but I've been trying to keep my body on my usual schedule, but here it is not even 4am and I'm on my computer. I also have been making myself stay up later at night to try to help me sleep later in the morning. I was up until about 10pm last night. No dice. Ugh. If I am here tomorrow night I'm going to try Ambien. They offered it to me the first night I was here, but I haven't taken any of that yet.

  3. Ruth email me at I napped each afternoon, and then went to bed a bit later. My Dr. told me that he wanted me to nap each day. I think he just wanted me off my feet. He told me any pressure on the cervix is bad so unless I was lying down it wasn't resting. While prego with Evan it didn't matter I didn't need to chase a toddler all day. When Prego with Sara I didn't have strict bedrest but was taken out of work ~ 18 weeks. I did nap when Evan did and really tried to do as little as possible. I went to bed later and then took him back to bed with me in the AM. He watched way more tv than I planned but it helped me get to 36 weeks. I even took him to the sitters 2 days a week and rested. 2 little ones at home creates quite a challenge. I never used Ambien during pregnancy but it was the first request each night after I had the kids in the hospital.
