We did it after a slow start and lots of candy treats, Sara took off like a champ. We had 3 days of accidents and 5 days of success. Sara was very hesitant to go #2 on the potty and held it for 2 days, once she went she decided it was fun to go "Poooooh- Poo" as she says. She doesn't even want to wear her diaper at nights. Yesterday we were at our cottage and she told me I need to go poop, we tried twice and didn't have luck. A few minutes later she came running out without pants on and told me she went. Great job Sara you did it!
We have had a great first week of vacation. We made it to the village pool twice, the beach, the village playground, accomplished some shopping and errands. I love being home with the kids and they love playing with the neighborhood children. We usually walk to my parents before bed and while we walk home Evan is on the lookout for any kids he can play with.

Last night both the kids were asleep by 6:30, it was heaven. Sara can skip a nap without getting cranky and then fall asleep early and sleep all night. We now try to give her a shower at the cottage and put her in jammies, knowing she will be asleep within minutes in the car.

Marc has Wednesday-Sunday off and so far we have no plans. I would love to go car shopping at some point, not that I want to deal with a car salesman but its time to get a new car. I'm debating between waiting for the 2013 Honda Accord or getting the Honda Oddysey now. My car is 7 years old and although I love now having a payment it is starting to look a little rough. My car is my last priority and luckily we have not had to put any money into it in 7 years other than gas, a set of tires, and a set of brakes.

This morning I finished the kids 4th of July pictures. After the 12 hour night of sleep they cooperated for some pictures. Last week he had to go for Allergy tests. He has severe seasonal allergies. The Allergist warned me in advance that sometimes on children it takes 2 years to show up on the test. Well he was correct the only allergy that showed was an allergy to cats, funny since I can only recall one time Evan has petted a cat or been near one. His back looked horrible and is still healing. He has itched it non stop, I wish I would have taken a picture. He had 25 pin pricks, that swelled beyond belief as well as additional rashes from them on his back. So the Dr. told us we could continue using the allergy meds we have been using (Rx eye drops, nasal spray and Allegra) or he could try Singulair. He wants to see Evan in April when his allergies are full blown. He said he could order blood testing but wanted to wait until April. Hopefully next year will be a mild allergy season.
Congrats to Sara! Way to go, girl!!! Once life calms down (when will that be?), I want to tackle getting Ian night time trained. I love your patriotic pics!!! So sorry about all of Evan's allergies. That's how I was as a kid. I'm hoping none of our kids inherit it from me as Paul doesn't have any allergies except to cats. The allergy testing Ian had done said he isn't allergic to cats, but that was a false negative because he's definitely allergic to my mom's cat.
ReplyDeleteI hope you guys have a GREAT summer vacation. Oh and we're thinking of buying a Honda Oddyssey also (either that or a Toyota Sienna) after the baby is born. We'll trade in Paul's Honda Civic for the minivan, and my Prius will become "his" car at that point (even though it's an automatic and he greatly prefers manuals).