The princess and the prince were married tonight |
The sealed there vows with a kiss |
- This weekend Sara turns 2 and a half. She is such a little princess.
- Sara is very easy going and can skip a nap and still not be miserable
- She still uses a pacifier to sleep and I plan on getting rid of it this summer
- Sara will not fall asleep at nighttime on her own, but will for naps. At night she lays on the couch and falls asleep or lays in our bed to fall asleep and we move her to her crib.
- She is a fantastic eater and will ask to try something new.
- Each time I take her grocery shopping and we walk through the produce she asks for new cauliflower. She loves to dip cauliflower.
- Last week she was eating raw beans and peas.
- Her favorite foods are any fruit, she has been know to eat 3 oranges in a sitting, fruit snacks, pretzels, popsicles, chicken, triscuits, cheese, and apple juice.
- She rarely drinks milk and that is probably my fault I rarely offer it since I never drink it. She will have it in cereal, which Evan will not. But Evan will drink it.
- When Sara doesn't know what to say when talking to Daddy on the phone she tells him, Daddy come home, Daddy have big bummy (butt, far from true, Mommy's is bigger than Daddys :-( , Daddy have pick up, and me have polly wogs.
- Sara loves Dogs and calls Max the dog across the street, my dog Max, she also loves Max's owner Kim and will tell us when Miss Kim is home or gone based on when the minvan is there.
- We still haven't mastered colors, for some reason she knows pink, yellow, and purple, but confuses red, green, and blue. I'm not sure if she really confuses them or just doesn't want to be bothered. Shen seems to know them when its time to choose a freezy pop.
- Tylenol is not our friend. Sara is a very healthy little girl. Antibiotics have only been needed once in her life so far. Other than a cold and a recent virus, she has been healthy. Last week a virus struck and she gags each time I give her Tylenol. I even attempted the chewable and she told me not tasty Momma, after two violent puking episodes after trying to force it down, my mom, a pharmacist, recommended the suppositories. The first few doses were fine until she told me no touch my butt. Poor baby, luckily we recovered but I'll keep some very expensive $8/6 doses, on hand.
- We are beginning to learn letters and Sara loves to point out S's, she found some in a novel I'm reading and was proud to show me.
- Sara has mastered a few 24 piece puzzles.
- Each day we play with the loving family dollhouse for a few minutes. She doesn't have a favorite toy. At this age Evan was obsessed with Gordon a Thomas train.
- Today Sara was happy to play in a baby pool with a tea set. She set everything up as if she was setting the table.
- Blocks and legos are very popular and Sara loves to set things in rows. The other morning she matched and filled the doorway with our shoes.
- Dance skills and agility are very strong skills for Sara, she can watch a movement and follow it very quickly. On our trip home from Charleston I was making up arm movements to keep her occupied and she could always mimic them.
- Potty training is still a work in process, as soon as school ends diapers are disappearing. Most mornings Sara wakes up dry and will go on the potty with a little encouragment.
- School ended Wednesday and Sara will really miss is, althought the kids at that age don't interact a great deal. Sara loved her teacher and the activities. She was always very proud of the projects she brought home. Next year as long as she is potty trained she will go two mornings a week.
- Cinderella is our favorite movie. She loves her Cinderella pj's and t shirts. We have a barbie and some small dolls but there is no obsession yet!
- We love to read books, she doesn't have a favorite, but that is my fault, because she often falls asleep on the couch we don't always read before bed. My parents have the kids 3 days a week and they read to Sara each day.
- Evan and Sara play very well together at times, Evan creates the activity and Sara usually follows along. They have been playing hide and seek on their own while I fix dinner. Sara's idea of countingis one, two.... and she is off!
- Shopping is a favorite activity. Sara was very upset with my Mom last week. They usually run errands while Evan is at school and my mom stayed home instead. Sara is very well behaved in the cart or stroller. We traveled to the outlet in Niagara Falls on mothers day together, and had a girls morning of shopping. When we are finished shopping she asks me more shop??
- Sara's memory amazes me. She remembers things from months ago that I wouldn't expect her too, of course while I'm racking my brains for an example none are coming to mind!
- Picking flowers is a popular spring activity each time we go outside. One day she filled an entire bucket with dandelion heads. There must have been hundreds in the bucket. Marc said it kept her busy while he cleaned up outside. Wish I would have had my camera out for that.
- Sara is very brave and attempts many things Evan wouldn't dream of. We have a open foyer and a hallway with a railing on one side in our upstairs. I caught Sara attempting to walk accross it on the wrong side. I almost had a heartattack, as she was about 6 spindles out on the ledge with a 14 stair drop to hardwood!
- Vocabulary is not an issue she knows so much more and surprises us each day. At the cottage she told us go on boat - no turn power on. Clarity still needs work, little is yittle, and many words sound similar.
- Sara's memory is amazing, we picked up flowers last week at a nursery and when we drove by it again she told me buy flowers there. Sometimes it is things that happened last fall
That's awesome that she's such a great eater! Nadia is a much better eater than Ian, but she's very hesitant to try new foods (unless it's a dessert), and oi vey it's a fight to get her to eat ANY veggies. Neither of mine like to shop except they both love yard sales, lol! Your kids both amaze me with their puzzle skills. Way to go, Sara!!! Great pics. :-)