Sara is obsessed with dogs, the neighbors across the street have a small dog "Barney", and we call them Miss Toni and Mr. Gary. Last week we went to visit and Toni gave Sara a popsicle. Well she won Sara over all I hear is Miss Toni home, go see Miss Toni, when I tell her she is busy or sleeping or not home, she tells me go knock on door. At two she has it all figured out.
Tonight we came home and Sara asked for Apple juice and chips, when I gave them to her she told me your a good, good Mamma. Too funny! We hung a potty sticker chart on the fridge today. Sara went on the potty 2x since we came home around 3pm, I think she went in the tub too. She was very proud to wear underwear and put a sticker up. Evan asked if he could have a sticker chart for taking naps. He has napped the past 3 days. Although the naps start around 3-4 pm. Today he fell asleep in his bed at 4 and I woke him at 5:30, hopefully he is sleeping now.
I think Nadia has that same dress! It looks like one that Gabby gave her for Christmas (from Gymboree). It's good you're recording these funny quotes. I need to record more of those because I forget them so quickly!