Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We have good intentions...

To update the blog, but have been lazy.  Where has the time gone.  Marc's mom came to visit for 10 days in December and then the holidays seemed to arrive so quickly.
     Evan had  his first choral concert at school.  The concert was amazing.  We have a very large parish and the concert was held in the church.  Evan was front and center in his pre-K class.  He was smiling and having a great time singing.  He said Mom I was nervous but I told myself "you can do this Evan, you an do this!". 

     The holidays were fantastic, we were home for 12 days.  Most days the kids refused to leave the house.  The played so well together and Christmas morning was so joyful.  We spent the week creating Evan's new Lego sets.  We finally had one that was a bit to advanced. 
     Sara is all about princesses and loves to dress up.  We bought her a bike with training wheels and she immediately took off around the house on it.  She  begged to take it outside.  We had a few 60 degree days and she was able to ride a bit outside.  She is a very proud little girl. 
     We finally bought a new car, a Honda accord.  I debated the minivan but couldn't bring myself to get it, maybe next time. 
     January has brought out the stomach flu, colds, and fevers.  I feel like I have been sick for most of the month.  Today I was so desperate that I went and stocked up on some vitamins today.  I haven't taken any since I was pregnant.  Since I'm approaching 40, and not getting much natural vitamin D, thought it was time for a multivitamin and some Calcium and Magnesium.  I notice I am exhausted before I get my period each month, so hopefully the calcium and mag will alleviate this.
     Today was Sara's preschool conference.  Last year I was upset that Evan didn't have perfect scores, he sometimes ran in class, and could not do a somersault.  Well Sara had a great review although she didn't recognize the R in her name, or her shapes.  The teacher told me how Sara follows all the rules, procedures, and always participates.  She comes in with a smile each day.  Sara truly loves school.  Sometimes I am hesitant to send her early, she will always be the youngest in her class.  NYS has a 12/1 cutoff and Sara's birthday is 11/27.  I do feel she is ready and Sara can hold her own and wants to learn.  Her behavior in school is exceptional.  I volunteered twice in the past month and she is so well behaved.  I am lucky to have such great kids!  Evan should receive his report card this week.  I am curious to see the results.
     Evans teacher institutes  a red, yellow, green dinosaur.  Evan has been green all year.  Once the kids hit yellow or red they have to draw  the color in their notebook and the teacher sends a note home.  We went to a parents event on Saturday night and all the parents were talking Dinosaurs.  I wanted to brag that he has always been green, but bit my tongue! 
     Yesterday I gave the kids a bath and turned Sara's mermaid upside down to dry and she walked into the bathroom and saw it and said "What the heck is going on here?"  where do they get this stuff?  Evan told me last night that the Superhero's that have tight underwear can't fly! 
    As I am attempting to blog, because Sara fell asleep at 5:30, and will probably have me up all night.  Evan made me a garden out of Lego's because I didn't get a lot for my birthday (that was in October).  Having an evening with one child is way to easy!!