We are reaching the end of summer. Two weeks from today I will return to school. The kids and I have enjoyed are time off and we have completed most of our summer goals.
1. Both kids are successfully riding bikes. I was hesitant this would happen. Evan had zero interest in learning to ride. After 3 practice sessions with Marc in a parking lot he is riding like a pro. Sara has been riding on a bike that tows behind my bike and attempting on her own a bit. Well she became determined this weekend to ride and by yesterday she was doing laps around the neighborhood with me and Evan. Its so nice to exercise with them.
3. We completed all of their summer assignments including Evan's first book report. I will post a picture.
4. We rode the waterslides at Darien Lake. Our kids are not big on amusement parks and knowing this makes me feel ok that we haven't taken them to Disney yet. They love water parks but could care less about regular rides.
5. I painted our cottage. The inside has not been painted in almost 20 years. My Dad gutted it and put new drywall up and painted it white. I had painted the large family room and put a wall paper border up years ago. Well I have been slowly stripping the border and I finally repainted the room a pale gray and painted the kitchen a creamy pale yellow. Now we need to rip out the shower (it was leaking behind the wall) and install a new shower. Luckily the plumbing is good but we are going to attempt to put a tiled shower in rather than the vinyl one that has to be recaulked every few years.
6. Sara is diving last night we went night swimming at the neighbors and she started with a few sitting and kneeling dives and quickly mastered the standing dive.
7. As I write we have an AC tech here. Our AC died back in the fall and we had it charged and then again at the end of August we needed it charged again. We called another company to find the leak so I am praying it is an inexpensive fix.
8. My last project for the summer is to tag all the clothes and toys for the consignment sale. Each year I tell myself not to buy them as many clothes. Its easier not to buy for Evan since his outfit of choice is a NFL Jersey and jeans. Sara seems to need more dress up clothes and special outfits. Evan is so easy he didn't even want a new backpack or lunchbox.
9. We purchased all of our back to school supplies, uniforms, and shoes. Sara is wearing a 13 in NIKE (which run small) and Evan is wearing a 3. I would like to clean up last years soccer spikes and some ice skates in my basement to trade in at a sporting goods store that sells used equipment. Sara insisted on a Vera Bradly backpack. I debated but gave in figuring its her only chance to have something her own at school. Plaid skirts, navy pants, plaid jumpers, and white shirts are pretty boring.
11. We have managed to keep the house much neater this summer. The kids have really kept the basement clean, their bedrooms manageable, and have kept all messes out of the family room. I hoping they are getting older and can continue to help more. I have kept up with vacuuming a few times each week. I bought a Shark vacuum in the fall and love it. I actually like to vacuum with it!
I have a Shark vacuum also, and I love mine as well! Congrats on both of them learning to ride their bikes. Also, congrats to Sara on diving. Nadia has learned to dive, but Ian only jumps off the diving board. Maybe next year he'll give diving a try. :) Ian has smaller feet than Sara. He is only wearing a size 12, and Nadia wears a size 2. Still I say they are growing up too fast!!! Glad you guys had a great summer, and I hope you three have a great school year. Marc is quite the farmer!!