Wednesday morning Evan had day 3 of his football camp. I called my Mom and she said Sara had hung out in a chair all morning but didn't complain. When I arrived home she said it really hurt to move and refused to straighten it. So I thought we better be safe and I ran her to the Peds. They sent us for x-rays and put Sara's arm in a sling. We went to a new facility for the x-rays and were told our Ped would call us with the results. Our Dr. called and said that it was dislocated at the elbow and they would set us up with an Orthopedic by 9am. Well 8:58 the next morning they called and said we had to head to Children's hospital where they would sedate Sara and reset it and probably cast it for 3 weeks. We went and they wanted to re x-ray Sara and they did very quickly and told us that it wasn't broken or dislocated and come back for a follow up in 2 weeks if she still has pain. She slowly seems to be improving. Wow I feel like we dodged a bullet! All the kids in the waiting rooms had casts above their elbows.
Last night Sara did a paint night with some friends from school. She can't wait to do another class. On the way home she was getting grumpy and arguing about playing with the kids in the neighborhood. She finally asked for help strapping in her booster seat. This is where it became ugly. I went to strap her in and didn't realize she had the strap in her teeth. She had been doing it with one hand and holding it in her teeth to compensate for her left hand. Well instantly she lost her top front tooth and there was blood everywhere. Her teeth were loose but probably had a few weeks to go. She came downstairs at 10pm and told me her tooth was just hanging and I burst into tears. The tooth fairy left $10 for this tragedy the most they have ever left at our house. She woke up the next morning with her other tooth. So a short ride on a scooter has been an expensive time consuming trip.
We are done with camps and vacation now its time for some daytrips and playgrounds. I would love to take the kids on the Maid of the Mist next week and to the Genesee County Museum - Mumford for Laura Ingalls Wilder Days - the actress who played Caroline will be there. I also plan on taking Evan to Bills minicamp in Rochester in early August. We have off until after labor day this year. The past few years we have returned the last week in August so this feels like an extra 2 weeks off.
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Glad her arm is okay! She has lost more teeth than Ian. He has only lost one so far. :)