So the swim lessons are great they have progressed so quickly with only half hour lessons. We will have 9 weeks of lessons. The kids have had 3 lessons so far and Evan was attempting to swim using strokes last week. Sara was successfully floating on her back and stomach
. They can both swim under water but haven't mastered swimming above water yet. So at this rate I am confident we will have mastered it by the end of the lessons. After all of the complaining about the car ride. The kids smile and laugh the entire time in the pool. We have learned to take our showers there and make a stop for ice cream on the way home. Last week I said lets stop for lemon ice. So I introduced the kids to Anderson's my favorite place for lemon ice. They instantly fell in love with it and asked to go each week. After both having lemon ice they asked for something to eat. By then it was 6:30 so I bought them fries and chicken fingers to share. They asked if we could come back every week. Its tough to feed them before and leave by 4:15 and not return home until around 6:30 (we usually eat around 5:00-5:15). So I think this will be our weekly treat.
I recently pulled up my shopper card information at Wegmans and it allows you to see how much you spend each month/year and it was shocking. So I have really been trying to cut back on how much I purchase and trying to go to Aldi's, Save-a-lot when time permits. Hopefully I can try to be more diligent with this. I have been trying to cut back the amount we eat out. Sometimes when its just the kids and I we do it as part of a day out. We usually have pizza every 1-2 weeks, the kids sometimes split a happy meal with extra fries, and sometimes I pick up chicken fingers at Wegmans. Occasionally we go out as a family during the weekends. Marc and I used to go out every weekend with other couples prior to having kids. Now that happens 2-3 times a year!
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