Monday, March 30, 2015

Eating habits, sunshine and misery

Well finally it seems like we are making baby steps in the picky eating habits.  Evan is finally asking to try new foods.  This week he asked to have a taco and said he liked the meat a little, he had a few bites of the meat and ate the hard shell.  He then asked for an additional shell. He tried some lettuce but wasn't a fan of it and told me he would like the meat better without the sauce (taco seasoning).  Tonight he ate pork chops without saying a word.  Now if I could only increase the vegetables, get him to eat cheese, eggs  and a sandwich I would be thrilled. 

He finally is eating ice cream.  This is big because our goal with him is to have him put some weight on.  He is very slim 42lbs and nothing fits.  We finally had to change to zip up, adjustable waist pants and no matter how I adjust them they fall down for his lack of a butt!  Wish I had the same problem.  He has been letting me add butter to his waffles.  We still drink whole milk because he needs the calories.  He isn't a sweet eater and will eat some nutella every day on a wpop (Wegmans rice like cracker).  He rarely asks for candy or cookies.  Although we always have these in the house and I don't restrict them he could care less about them.  He isn't a big chip/snack eater either.  This kid is never hungry.  His favorite vice is lemonade and I buy a gallon of it each week.  All of our friends are very strict with sweets but its not an issue at our house. 

Tonight I attempted a lamb cake in my Grandmothers pan.  I figured it would flop and it didn't so I put a light frosting on it and put it in the freezer.  Hopefully it will be ok if I take it out Saturday and finish decorating it.  Evan loves the homemade frosting I make so he asked for two spoonful's of it. 

Sara has been my tricky eater lately.  She wants to graze all day and then not eat at meal times.  She eats apples, grapes, vegetables as snacks and then doesn't want them at dinner time.  On Friday she didn't snack at all after school and then had 2 grilled cheeses sandwiches and some spaghetti!  If only I could get that to be a habit. 

On Friday I went took the am off and went to the kids school to help with the Catholic Charities carnival.  The aide from last year approached me and told me how much she loves my kids and how they couldn't be more different from one another.  She said she remembered last year when Evan was putting on his boots, coats, and hat and he looked at her and said this is just miserable just absolutely miserable.  She said he always shocked her with his vocabularies and seriousness.  Although two minutes later he was back to a happy kid.  Sara is just a ray of sunshine and has everyone at the school wrapped around her finger.  She blows kisses to her dance teacher who also teaches 2nd grade.  Everyone knows her, I feel like I have a kindergarten politician when I walk in.  She is a happy child even when she is sick she smiles and tells me she loves me after throwing up.  She defiantly has her moments and can have lots of attitude but she is so dramatic and her facial expressions and eyes light up when she is excited. 

1 comment:

  1. Ian just recently started eating ice cream also! I have to restrict all three of my kiddos though when it comes to eating sweets. I do remember the days though when Ian so badly needed to gain weight and his pants wouldn't stay on him either. Hope you four have a blessed Easter! :)
