Well Sara woke up crying last night that her throat hurt. She sounded very croupy. Luckily she fell back to sleep and I had to wake her for school this morning. She started the day with a freeze pop. Had a little breakfast, but didn't seem to bad. Well my phone rang at 1:15 and the nurse wanted me to pick Sara up. So I called the peds and had a 3:15 appointment. She has swollen glands and very enlarged tonsils. She was very whiney and teary. They did a strep swab and it came back negative which shocked me since we had it twice last winter. The think its a virus and suggested I give her Motrin. I wanted to hold off as long as possible to have it last through the night. I finally gave her a dose at 5:30 and she then ate pretzels, pancakes, an ice cream cone, macaroni and cheese, and strawberries. She was starved every half hour she asked for something else. The Motrin seemed to work very quickly with her.
I am hoping she will be better tomorrow but made sub plans just in case. Evan also spent some time at the nurses today, he slammed his finger in the classroom door. When it rains it pours. Its been a few weeks since they have visited the nurse. Early in the year it seemed like Sara was there daily. I felt so bad for the nurse that I sent her a Christmas gift! Evan is fine and was genuinely concerned for Sara. He gave her a few hugs went and found her beanbag, pillow and a blanket. I had promised her a small stuffed animal for being brave at the doctors. Strep tests are like torture for Sara. So Evan asked if he could give it to her.
Yesterday we did get outside with our snowshoes. Both of the kids had a blast
Hope she's feeling better soon!