Sara can't seem to stay healthy after being out for 4 days prior to Martin Luther King day, she was out two this week.
Thursday at 1:15am, she woke up and I argued with her for a few minutes and told her to come sleep with me. Well at 2:45 she was still up and I became very short with her and told her to go to bed enough was enough, she started crying and said she was going to "puke up". True to her word she threw up in the toilet. I calmed her down and let her fall back to sleep watching Caillou on her DVD player. She woke up again at 4:45 and threw up again. At this point I was panicked since I had 30+ kids coming in to interview with a business professional. I asked Sara if she could stay with Grandma and she said yes. She woke up around 7am, and threw up again. She was running a slight fever. Evan went off to school and Sara went to Grandmas. I called home a few times and my mom said she had thrown up a few more times and was only taking small sips of water and ice chips. She was also asking for Mommy. I asked my colleagues to cover for me and came home at 11:30 to a very sick little girl. She was exhausted and threw up one more time at 12:15 and then started to keep some water, Gatorade, and a freeze pop down. I was able to get some Tylenol in her before bed but she woke up twice before midnight having hallucinations. Luckily Friday Marc was able to stay home and she was on the road to recovery but still only drinking.
Finally today she asked for watermelon and a chicken finger from Wegmans. I was so desperate to have her eat anything that I ran to a very busy Wegmans to pick it up. She actually ate it. Evan had a birthday party today so Sara had a quiet day to recover. I certainly hope this is the end of her illness. The rest of us have been lucky and have only had minor colds.
Aww poor girl! Hope you all can have a very healthy February!