Wow my baby is twenty months!
1. Twenty words Moma, Dade, hi, bye (sounds like baa), woof, apple. Grandpa, cookie, more, cracker, yuck, bubbles, balloon, eat, up, bounce, moon, boat, duck, and ball. There are more but theses are what we hear most often.
2. She loves ouchies and will find anyones scratches or bruises and tell us boo boo with a sympathetic look.
3. Before bedtime she has to kiss and hug Evan saying ni-ni with a wave.
4. Sara loves Dogs and laughs almost screeching each time she sees one.
5. We love Freezy pops and Sara will often run to the freezer in hopes of having one. She says popsicle but it sounds similar to apple.
6. Sara loves Evans toys including Thomas ( trains are woo hoo) and his current favorite Disney Cars.
7. We love Laurie Berkner music and Wheels on the bus by the Bacon Brothers.
8. Talking on the phone is a big deal and she kisses the phone and says baa and will return the phone without tears.
9. Sleepimg with her Pink bear and a pacifier(hopefully this habit ends soon).
10. The neighbor boys Domenic and Joe are her favorite playmates. She will stand on the driveway or at the window and yell Ominic and O (O is said in a deep voice). The boys are 3 &4 and play very well with her.
11. Sara is a fish and loves the pool, she is also a daredevil and has to be watched like a hawk. She has taken a few trips down the slide being held and laughs her head off everytime. She is so independent that with swimmies and a ring around her I can let her swim alone for a few minutes.
12. The boat at the cottage is also a favorite, although my favorite thing is it often makes her fall asleep!
13. We love to play outside, the water table, the bikes, the pool. She is very active.
14. Sara is very brave on the swingset and climbs the ladder and the rockwall by herself. She also loves the slide and often makes me nervouse with her climbing.
15. Flowers are an obsession. She picks at least one flower a day, and if I don't watch closeley its a handful of flowers. She will even yell from the stroller if she sees one growing because she wants to hold it. Luckily I love to garden so her flower a day habit hasn't affected us to much.
16. She loves to go up and down the stairs. We have 13 carpeted stairs then a hardwood landing and then 5 more hardwood stairs. The hardwood makes me nervous, but Sara holds the spindles when she walks. The crazy little girl likes to go on her but and race Evan down the stairs. Even though we have gates at the top and bottom its a race to get ahead of her each time.
17. Sara loves sprinkles and will eat only eat yogurt if I sprinkle them on top.
18. We love fruit, corn on the cob, pizza, and mozzarella cheese sticks. Sara still refuses to drink milk. She will drink Evans milk but if I give her a cup she will refuse it. I can often sneak it into a smoothie.
19. We run to Grandma and Grandpa each time we see them (they live in our neighborhood so usually its daily). She still gives them big hugs and kisses each time.
20. Lastly sitting on Evans potty and pulling down toilet paper and putting it in the potty. Hopefully this will transition to potty training soon. Each time I tell Evan to go potty (he still likes to use the baby potty occassionally) Sara runs for the bathroom and sits on the potty and we have a fight to get her off of it.
My little girl is growing up quickly, she is affectionate but strong willed, very sympathetic, and has a great sense of humor. She is very good natured and at this point a fantastic eater. She will even give me her plate to signal that she is done.