I finally made my Christmas Cards from my Shutterfly house party. I ordered the calendar last week and was planning on doing a dressed up picture of the kids until tragedy struck. At Sara's birthday party Evan and my nephew collided. Evans front tooth is loose, it has improved a great deal in the past 24 hours, but I'm still concerned its going to change color. I plan on calling our Pediatric Dentist in the morning. Not looking forward to anther morning out of school, my poor accounting students miss me every time I have to volunteer at Preschool (3 times in the past month, now I'm good until February). We are sticking to softer foods and reminding him not to use his front teeth. It is also a way for us to rid him of sippy cups. My poor nephew felt terrible but it truly was an accident. I told my sister in law after all we have gone through a loose tooth is pretty minor. Still hoping it tightens up and stays white though.
Evan is spelling Mom, Dad, Evan, Sara, Doll, Tree, Finn. We have been watching Word World and I picked up 2 more for Christmas. If you have small children the Christmas one is cute and a favorite year round for my kids!
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