Sara is so busy, she gets into things and does things that at three Evan still hasn't attempted. The other day I heard a new noise and found her behind out couch. She had crawled underneath a sofa table behind it and ended up in the corner of our family room behind the couch. Last week we were playing in Evans bus tent in his bedroom. I heard Sara yelling and didn't see her, she had crawled under Evans toddler bed. The difference between the two of them is night and day. The other day my Mom, who watched them 3 days a week, told me she'd only watch another one if they were like Evan!

I signed Evan up for 2 mornings of preschool next year and Sara up for one morning. They will be at the school Evan is at this year. The 2-3 program is a co-op so I have to volunteer 6-8 mornings. Since my Mom won't have both kids on that day she can volunteer with Sara if necessary. We have had a crazy two weeks. The drama of school and budget cuts. Thankfully I was saved by a retirement, and then most of NYS school funding was restored. Hopefully that will restore the jobs of 38 people in my district. I ended up in severe pain one afternoon out of the blue. I serioulsy thought I would pass out from the pain in my chest and abdomen. Here I was alone with the kids and Marc was in NJ. I ended up calling my mom and going to the ER. They diagnosed me with gall stones. They were as shocked as I was. They said its usually fair, fourty, and fat. I meet the fair but thats it. From what I've read online it looks like its from hormones. I have certainly taking enough of those. It is normal to occur after long term birth control use. I guess I was the other end of that hormone use. Hopefully I avoid another episode because then I would need to see a surgeon. A few days later I woke up with a UTI. Ugh, another day off. Thought we were going to have a good week this week and Monday night Evan fell off a kitchen stool. He cried so hard and after an hour complained that his arm really hurt and he didn't want to move it or touch it. We headed back to the ER and as soon as I broke out a new train book he could suddenly move his arm. Although he would still complain about it. I debated stay or leave. We stayed... and stayed.. and stayed... they finally saw us
4 hours later, we finally were put in a room at 10pm, he fell asleep for 20 minutes and they woke us up for Motrin and an xray. The good news no broken bones, we didn't make it home until 11:30pm! His elbow was swollen all week but I think we are finally on the mend. Yesterday was his first bowling birthday party. Evan had a blast!
I said the very same thing to Paul today that Ian creates more havoc than Nadia ever has the past almost 3 years. He's a one boy wrecking crew!