Thursday, November 24, 2022

Snow & Sitter

 We survived another epic snowstorm. Thursday morning Marc went to work and I said why don't you stay home they thruways are shutting down at 4pm.  We both didn't really think the forecast would be correct.  Unfortunately, it was, the snow started around 10pm and when I awoke there was 3.5 feet in our driveway.  Well, he was gone, so it was up to me to clear it out.  I felt like superwoman when I was the only woman in the neighborhood clearing the driveway.  When the snow is that high you have to do small sections and knock it down before you can snow blow it.  It was 3 hours before I came inside.  I had to keep heading out every hour or two to keep up with it.  We received 80 inches!  My entire body hurt from clearing the snow, my hands were so sore from holding down the handles.  

The amazing part is Marc made it home Friday night and finished the edges of the driveway and the top that I was too exhausted to do.  The plows came through on Saturday am.  I was really anticipating it would be Monday or Tuesday.  We ended up with Friday, Monday and Tuesday as snow days.  Luckily the snow stopped falling on Saturday.  The driving ban ended Monday am.

Sara started babysitting for a neighbor.  They have twin 3-year-old girls  and a 5-year-old bot.  She has made almost $150 this week!  A far cry from the $1.25-$3 I used to make.  We decided she could spend her first week and then start saving from here on out.  This family needs a sitter constantly, so hopefully Sara will keep busy.  

Wednesday, we went to the mall and my friend Andrea, and her daughter joined us.  The girls went off and shopped on their own.  It was so nice to not spend anything! We went for lunch to Cheesecake factory, but we were all too full to eat any cheesecake.   Its Saras birthday on Sunday so I had already purchased gifts but was sure she would find something.  Amazingly she paid for her own clothes and came home with a good chunk of cash.  

I really like this because some weeks I feel like an ATM machine.  Evans soccer consisted of trips to the convenient store, Tim Hortons or the hot dog stand on Lake Erie before practice many days.  His homecoming dance, football games, and movies with friends are a constant handout from us.   Sara loves to find a friend and head to the village to the coffee shop, Starbucks, and 7/11.  I don't mind giving them money but when its week after week it gets expensive.  Sara is super helpful and will do major cleaning for me.  Evan is a battle just to clean his own room. 

I would really like for Evan to get a part time job in the spring and something for the summer.  Most places pay $15 per hour.  I'd love for him to have some spending money but save the majority of his money.  His goal is to eventually purchase a car because he hates to ride the bus.  Riding the bus means leaving the house at 7:10 with me.  He gets out at my school and waits outside until his bus arrives.  This doesn't sound horrible unless its rainy, snowy or very cold.  He then takes a bus to his school that takes 5-10min.  On the way home he takes the shuttle to my school and then takes the bus home.  He usually gets home 10-15 minutes before me.  He will be eligible for his permit next February and his license the summer before his junior year.  

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine having to shovel that much snow! I've never lived in a place that got more than 4 feet of snow in one storm. You certainly got a massive workout!! How fortunate for Sara that she has a babysitting job so close to home! Nadia really, really wants a job (and would love to babysit), but it hasn't happened for her yet. Hopefully sometime in 2023 she can get a job outside the home.
