Monday, February 12, 2018


As of Thursday I thought she had improved.  Sara made it to school on Thursday and things went well. She asked for a sub from Wegmans for dinner.  We rode over and she complained she was car sick.  She was very nauseous and  I gave her a bottle of water.  She made it home and seemed ok.  Then complained her stomach hurt in bed.  She fell asleep at 8 and then woke up at 9:15 and said she felt sick.  Well she made it to the toilet. She then fell asleep with an icepack on head.

She seemed okay this am.  So since Marc was off I asked him to see if Sara was ok.  She called me and decided to go into school after Mass.  She made it through day!  We had her Dr. visit after school and she was released for gym and activities.  The Dr. warned her that she will be tired on and off for months.  Her lymph nodes are still enlarged but she told us that is normal.

I took my Junior and Senior Academy students on a field trip.  After that I left school early picked the kids up.  Dropped Evan off ran to the Dr. and then met Marc at church and switched kids. Evan had altar boy training.

I finally made it home around 5:30.  Sara and I are curled up on the couch.  She is eating her second bowl of watermelon, cantaloupe, and pineapple.  We certainly spend a small fortune on fruit!  At least they are eating it daily and will ask for it throughout the day.  Evan has been taking a container of raspberries for lunch every day for lunch.

Saturday Jim Kelly had his annual Hunters Day of Hope at the Buffalo Bills Fieldhouse.  It is a free fun day to celebrate families.  Well Jim had his gallbladder out on Wednesday and his wife was hospitalized with pneumonia.  Marc took Evan and his friend over, but Sara asked to stay home.  We stayed home and caught up on homework and made slime for her valentine exchange.

Sunday was a day of baking cookies, grocery shopping, and finishing book reports.

Today Sara made it to school and to dance class.  Of course tonight was parent observation night but her dance teacher is a good friend, her former 2nd grade teacher, and my former student.  She spent the entire class getting Sara up to speed on the recital dance.  Sara was much more confident and happy when she left.

My mom called me after school and said she wants the old Sara back.  Sara is very mopey and not herself.  She is usually very witty, fun, and joyful.  She is much more subdued, whiny, and nervous since getting mono.  We can't wait for old Sara to make her way back and recover.


  1. Glad you are seeing some progress of Sara being able to return to more of her usual activities! I hope you also see her usual personality come back as well in the near future.

  2. How is Sara doing these days? I hope she has totally recovered from mono and is back to her usual self.
