Suddenly we are learning everything we can about snakes, lions, tigers, and bears. Evan has been doing animal units at school and is asking a zillion questions about animals. He asked if I would take him to the Disney nature Bears movie this weekend. He has such terrible seasonal allergies that I try to keep him inside when its windy so I said yes. Well first of all I am not an animal lover. He checked out snake books from the library and we had to read them before bed. I squirmed throughout the entire book. My mom offered to join us for the movie and I laughed and said I was paying $8 for a nap. I was wrong the movie was adorable. Evan and I both loved it. We will be renting more Disney Nature movies on Amazon. The Dollar Tree had some National Geographic level 2 & 3 readers on Polar bears, reptiles, etc. that I picked up too.

We participated in our first Home Depot children's class. The kids made flower pot holders. We had lots of fun making them and this week the kids are signed up for a Lowe's class. This weekend we have to pick up tickets for Sara's
recital. The procedure is terrible. We have to wait outside for the tickets to go on sale at 2pm. Mothers from last year said to expect to be in line for a long time. I plan on going around noon. What a terrible waste of time!! Marc is taking the kids to Tulip Festival. The Festival has a great parade and midway. Hopefully I can pick up my tickets and head out early enough to watch the kids go on a few rides.

Sara loves flowers and I allowed her to pick the first two that opened in our yard. Last week I told her if she did really well with speech she could pick the first Tulip that bloomed. Well the dandelions started blooming this week. Sara asked us not to put that stuff on the grass anymore because she wants lots of flowers. Marc and I didn't agree. So we walked the neighborhood in search of Dandelions and she was a happy girl returning home with a small bouquet.
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