We visited the Dentist on New Years Eve and they told us Evan would be loosing his tooth any day. Well, Evan refused to wiggle it or touch it. So I this week it was so loose I finally had him wiggle it a little (okay all I could talk him into was 5 wiggles at a time). I laughingly told him I want that tooth gone today as I walked out the door to grocery shop. Marc called while I was at Wegmans and Evan's tooth fell out in the shower. We did save it though. So at 6 years and a day short of 2 months we have officially lost the first tooth!
He didn't make a big deal about it all day, but when it was time for bed, he became very teary. He told me he was going to miss his tooth and its been a good tooth. It was hard to keep a straight face as the tears began to stream down his face. Poor little guy can be so tough at times but can also be so sensitive. I told him I was sad that my little boy was growing up and he promised me he would always love me. So we are awaiting the tooth fairy's arrival tonight.
Each time we drive through our village there is a assisted living center and I tell Sara that Grandmas and Grandpas live there when they can no longer take care of themselves. Well, almost every day Sara tells me that I can live with her and she will take care of me and her baby. She is my little buddy and so much fun at this age. I would love to freeze her right here. She is still so innocent and loving. I teared up over my Dad the other day and she took me by the hand into her bedroom and had me look at his picture and then hugged and kissed me.
She is also a charmer. She is pretty vain and is not afraid to give out lots of smiles in public. Today in church she was busy charming all of the elderly parishioners.
Congrats to Evan on his new reading skills and losing his first tooth! Nadia lost her first two with a couple of days of turning 5 1/2. It's SO much fun seeing kids learn to read! I bet Evan will really take off now. This stage is so sweet. The other day Ian told me he wanted to marry me when he grew up. I said, I'm already married to Daddy. You'll have to marry someone else, and he said, but I love you, Mommy. I dread the tension that I know will come in the teenage years. We'll soak up this time when they are so affectionate and think we are the BEST. :)
ReplyDeleteOh and the Frog and Toad books are really nice for beginning readers, and they are a higher quality of literature than most of the level 2 readers out there. Just in case he hasn't tried those and might enjoy them... I did buy Nadia a Disney fairy themed Level 3/4 reader recently. I usually avoid that stuff, but sometimes it is nice to go with their interests even if the caliber of writing isn't that great. :)