Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Celebration time! - just realized this has been a draft for a year!

Notice the crazy kid in the classes feet in the air!  Thank goodness he isn't returning next year!

We had pre-k celebration today, Evans school saves graduation until Kindergarten.  What a wonderful program.  It started at 12:30 with a procession onto the stage, followed by songs, poems, some dancing, and prayers.  This was adorable, 20 four and five year olds on stage.  The amazing part is the program lasted almost an hour. 
   The highlight was the kids dancing and singing along with Pete the Cat rocking in his school shoes.  The kids went wild dancing each time it was "rocking in my school shoes".  The also sang a Laurie Berkner song about feelings.  Their own version of "Your a Grand Old School", "The World is a Rainbow", and a poem with hand motions for Mom and Dad, they also had Dads come up to the stage and they were presented with frames the children had made for fathers day. 
     Each student was given a certificate for Preschool completion and the event was followed by ice cream.  Evan was so excited and proud.  I feel like Sara is ready to lead the class next year after experiencing so much through Evan this year. 
    We have been battling sick kids the past few days, Evan had a very sore throat Thursday and Friday.  By Saturday he was so miserable I took him to the Peds, only to be told it was a virus.  He is so dramatic when he is sick.  Well Saturday night Sara woke up with a fever and told me she was going to "puke up", luckily we made it to the bathroom.  Today is day 3 of the fever and today she woke up sounding croupy and crying her throat hurt.  I had planned on a half day but ended up taking the entire day.  She was pretty good most of the day but as she sat down for dinner she threw up again.  I'm praying tomorrow we will all be healthy.  I have 8 more days of Exams to grade, proctor and clean up for next year. 
    The weather has been so crummy, the hot days are few and far between.  We planted a garden this year and the rabbits ate most of it this week.  Sara was so excited to have peas and lettuce growing and the rabbits had a feast.  Marc installed a fence so hopefully they don't dig to deep under it.  They chewed through the plastic fencing we had up. 
    We had promised Evan a gift if he stayed on green all year on the classroom behavior chart.  Well he did it and today we gave him an Ironman Lego.  He sat from 2-4:30 and assembled the entire lego without assistance it was 364 pieces for 6-12 year olds.  Evan loves legos and following instructions to build them. 

Time is flying

We are getting within weeks of ending another school year.  Each one goes faster and faster.  This year Evan has learned to read, write words, complete basic math problems, and work in groups.  He has had an amazing teacher.  We have finally put on a few pounds on and graduated to a booster seat.

On Tuesday my Mom took him for his yearly allergist appointment.  Fully clothed Evan was 40 pounds, and 44.75 inches.  We have major issues with clothes fitting him.  He is really a size  2 or 3 in the waist.  He has some elastic waist uniform pants, but he has reached the point now where all of his play pants are to short.  He refuses to wear adjustable waist pants, I think since he is so slender the buttons irritate him.  I can't wait to break out the shorts each day to avoid this! 

Sara has had a speech therapist visit us weekly since January.  I couldn't get her approved through the school system, so unfortunately we have to pay out of pocket for this.  As much as I dread the added monthly expense (equivalent to a car payment), she has progressed so quickly!  Today she shocked me and the teacher by mastering 3 letter blends this week.  The therapist told me she has been holding back on testing Sara but honestly can't wait to see the progress.  She keeps telling me how bright Sara is which as a Mom I love to hear.  Sara is so easy to work with and is the ideal student when I listen to her working with the therapist.  While Evan is a good student he doesn't transition to new activities as easily as Sara. 

I have been taking an online National Academy of Finance class.  We meet every other week online with a live class, in between classes we have to turn in assignments, and participate in discussion boards.  I have a ton of work to do for this over the next two weeks.  The good part is the National Academy pays me $600 for this and my school district pays me another $750 for it.  So it will be some nice extra money to start the summer with.

We just booked a trip to Florida.  Last year Marc and I both signed up for Southwest Credit cards.  For a $69 yearly fee we were given 50,000 points.  Well we each redeemed points and we have 4 free tickets to Florida plus enough extra points for 2 more flights.  My Mom is joining us.  We rented a condo on Madeira Beach and were able to find a rental car through Southwest for another $230.  I am really looking forward to the pool and beach.  We haven't been to Florida since Sara was almost two.  Last time both my parents joined us.  At that time my Dad was getting sick and having a tough time getting around.  So far we don't have plans to do any amusement parks but that could change.  I would like to go out on a 2 hour pirate ship cruise with the kids.  We have seen it for years and always looked forward to taking our kids on it.  I think starting the summer in the pool will be a great start on their swimming skills. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The first tooth!!

We visited the Dentist on New Years Eve and they told us Evan would be loosing his tooth any day.  Well, Evan refused to wiggle it or touch it.  So I this week it was so loose I finally had him wiggle it a little (okay all I could talk him into was 5 wiggles at a time).  I laughingly told him I want that tooth gone today as I walked out the door to grocery shop.  Marc called while I was at Wegmans and Evan's tooth fell out in the shower.  We did save it though.  So at 6 years and a day short of 2 months we have officially lost the first tooth!

     He didn't make a big deal about it all day, but when it was time for bed, he became very teary.  He told me he was going to miss his tooth and its been a good tooth.  It was hard to keep a straight face as the tears began to stream down his face.  Poor little guy can be so tough at times but can also be so sensitive.  I told him I was sad that my little boy was growing up and he promised me he would always love me.  So we are awaiting the tooth fairy's arrival tonight.

Each time we drive through our village there is a assisted living center and I tell Sara that Grandmas and Grandpas live there when they can no longer take care of themselves.  Well, almost every day Sara tells me that I can live with her and she will take care of me and her baby.  She is my little buddy and so much fun at this age.  I would love to freeze her right here.   She is still so innocent and loving.  I teared up over my Dad the other day and she took me by the hand into her bedroom and had me look at his picture and then hugged and kissed me. 

She is also a charmer.  She is pretty vain and is not afraid to give out lots of smiles in public.  Today in church she was busy charming all of the elderly parishioners.