This winter seems to be endless. I know I am from Buffalo, NY... the city with a bad reputation for snow. Honestly I can't remember a winter like this since I was in grade school. We have had 8 snow days, 2 blizzards, 2 ear infections, and now strep throat.

I was so excited for St. Patrick's day today. A leprechaun visited our house last night and colored the toilets green, put a shamrock on the toilet paper to seal the rolls, left green frosting messages for the kids, put stickers on their hands last night, and left green M&M's in their boots this morning. Evan and I are planning on building a Lego trap after school to catch him.
My silly girl at a bowling party |
Sara has been struggling for the past few weeks with her ears. She had her 2nd ear infection so far around Valentines Day and then had fluid in her ear (which is only treatable by Benadryl, Sara and Benadryl don't work well together) and she started complaining each morning her ear hurt. Saturday night she said the top of her mouth hurt and was up a lot and very inconsolable last night. This morning I planned on having my Mom take her to the walk in clinic at our pediatricians. Well Sara was hysterical and on letting go of me, which is so out of character for her even when she is sick. I called in to work at 7:10, I am supposed to be there at 7:50. We went to the peds and hit the right time and did not have to wait. Her ears were fine, and they asked if I wanted to do a strep test. . I said why not we are her, Sara was not a fan of this test. It came back positive and hopefully she can return to school tomorrow. We are now on our second prescription for amoxicillin this winter and the 3rd in her life. Evan was not happy that Mom was home and he wasn't.
I scrubbed the bathroom today, I even did the grout!! Now I need to tackle the master bath. That room is my biggest downfall. Since no one sees it I am terrible about doing a really thorough cleaning. Marc scrubs the shower and I do the sinks, toilet, and counters. But, I am really bad about the baseboards, floor (we have dark tile and grout) and wiping down the cabinets. I would love to have someone come to do the bathrooms, floors, and dusting. Maybe next year that will be my plan from the beginning of the school year.
We make our last car payment this week!! It will be so nice to not have a payment. If only our crazy property taxes would end we could really get ahead. This year our taxes were $9,000. The are up $3,000 from when we built this house.. its crazy!!
Evan was student of the week and needed a picture of him at school |
We have had a busy winter, Evan's birthday party. Birthday parties for their classmates almost every weekend. We have been to a movie party, bowling parties. a movie night at a home, a bakery party, and they will continue through the end of the school year. Luckily last year I hit a great clearance sale at Wegmans and Target and stocked up on squirt guns, snow cone makers, and sprinklers, we are prepared with a stockpile of gifts.
All Butterflies |
Last week we celebrated Irish Night at our church. The kids had an amazing time. There were Irish dancers, music, crafts, food, and a great game of tag! We also visited the Science museum over February Break, and this weekend did a program at Wegmans where the kids made their own organic salad and planted two organic plants. The Wegmans program was a bargain for $5. They offer them almost every month but we have never went before. Sara's best friend and her mom joined us for a girls day and we had a blast. On Friday Sara had Dad's day. He picked her up from school and took her to Fisher Price for some hand modeling and then to Applebees for lunch. Dad took her to dance for the first time and she was proud little girl.
Racing with his best bud Brady |
Legos Evan builds without any help
I was watching an episode of Leave it to Beaver with the kids this weekend via Netflix and noticed (for the first time) that Mrs. Cleaver (a SAHM) had someone come each week to help with laundry and cooking and such. I couldn't justify that as a SAHM, but I definitely think it's very reasonable for you as a working mom to hire someone to help a little with the cleaning as you are juggling a lot. Go for it! :) Evan is just amazing with Legos as he is with puzzles! Ian can't do those himself yet. I am not sure if Nadia could or not. She hasn't been interested. Hoping the snow is DONE as we are also very ready for spring. My parents (in MD) got 10 inches of snow last night, and we didn't get a flake (fine by me!).