Wow, that went by so quickly. What a wonderful holiday. We spent Christmas Eve going to Mass, and then came home and Marc's Dad, brother, and my Mom joined us for dinner. I set the oven to go on while we were at church to warm up a ham. Well it wasn't successful and we came home to a cold oven. So we enjoyed some appetizers and had dinner a bit later. The kids loved playing with Marc's half brother who is 16. As they were leaving Sara was very upset she said we needed to sing "O' Christmas Tree", she then wanted us to join hands and circle around the tree as we swayed and sang the song. I think she saw this on Charlie Brown but it was very sweet and a wonderful way to end the night. She may have started a new tradition.

Christmas morning, Marc and I woke up at 5am. I turned the Christmas tree lights on and we waited... until 6:50 when Evan awoke and I told him to wake up Sara. The kids were ecstatic to see the tree. Evan kept searching for the Lego Marvel game he wanted, he was funny he searched his stocking and presents looking for the game. He was getting very nervous that it didn't arrive. Luckily it did (I had to make a last minute trip to Best Buy since this became the number one item on Friday and I hadn't bought it). I did order one online and it still hasn't arrived from WBshop.com. Sara loved her Sophia desk and her doll bunk beds. We relaxed at home until around 1 and then headed to my Mom's. The kids exchanged gifts with their cousins and Grandma gave out gifts. Sara received a American Girl (Target version) and instantly fell in love with it. She is very impressed with her American Doll and has dressed and redressed her all day long. She asked if we could go to the American Doll Store and leave Evan at Grandmas today. Since the closest store is 6 hours away this isn't happening anytime soon!

We went to lunch today with the retired teachers aide I used to work with. She was my savior last spring when our babysitter quit unexpectedly and over the summer during the wake and funeral. The kids chose Applebees and we ran into the babysitter who quit on me last year. We had a lazy day at school exploring the new toys, games, and remote control cars. I bought Sara a very basic one and Evan a more advanced one. The basic toddler one is the winner. I think I ordered it over the summer from Amazon for under $10.
Tomorrow we head to the dentist for the kids check up. Evans lower teeth are getting pretty loose. I don't think we will make it to his birthday in February without loosing his tooth. Sara has asked to go to Viddlers an old fashioned 5 and 10 store. We may stop at my Aunts to see her Christmas tree too. Saturday Marc is working all day, his company was bought out and they have a mandatory meeting. I may call Evans best friend for a play date. He has a younger sister that is 3 and the four of them have a blast together.
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