The excitement is building at our house. Each morning we have bounced out of bed asking to open advent calendars. Evan has a Lego City one and Sara has a playmobile princess one. There have been no complaints about getting up for school each day. I told my mom we need these year round. We have also done Elf on a Shelf. Although the kids love it, I find it stressful! Some days they are very excited about "Gordon" the elf's activities. Some favorites have been a naughty and nice list on the bathroom mirror, toilet papering the bathroom, a spoon under the pillow (hoping for a snow day) and mustaches and funny faces drawn on their pictures. We have also done PNP.com and had video messages from Santa. The advent season and the coming of Jesus has been a daily conversation at our home.
The lists for Santa continue to grow by the day. This week our number one item by Evan changed dramatically. I ordered on online but am afraid it won't arrive in time, so Sara and I headed to the busy big mall at 8:30 this morning. We were fortunate and didn't wait in line.
Sara has been busy playing with her dolls the past few months, our doll is named baby, and goes everywhere with us. She has been referring to her as my daughter the past few weeks. Evan is often the dad and when they argue she is in tears because he won't be the dad anymore.

I am determined to find some new foods for Evan this week, and am very frustrated by his limited diet. He does eat good foods out of each food group but they are repetitive. Tonight we had roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, and broccoli. It sounds great right but ... we have this at least once a week. It is the one meal he will ask for seconds with. Other than beef, he eats pizza minus the cheese, chicken noodle soup, chicken fingers, turkey (real turkey not lunchmeat), chicken (grilled or rotisserie ), and bacon. He will eat corn, peas, and broccoli, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, grapes and sometimes oranges. His diet also includes noodles with butter and rice. He eats cookies, crackers, chips, and some chocolate. We gave up on apples after he had the stomach flu in the fall. He won't eat eggs, cheese, or anything he deems as sticky or messy. He won't even eat a fruit snack or gummy since it might be sticky. He still insists on having a wet washcloth close by to wipe his fingers. His lunch at school is even worse, raspberries or blackberries with a small amount of sugar to dip them in (they are often sour this time of year, and expensive), Italian bread from Tops (without anything on it), and some chips/Doritos. I know its terrible but he refuses everything else and will go hungry. Last year he would do a half of fluff and peanut butter or a smore made with fluff and nutella on a graham cracker. The pickiness is not improving. Bribes, threats, holding food back does not work, he just refuses and becomes miserable from not eating. So we continue to eat our limited diet. At times I think its OCD but he will get his hands dirty outside or painting at school. He just likes to be neat and tidy all the time.

He is not neat and tidy with his toys. We can find legos in every room of our home. Sara is not so fussy. Lately she has refused all cooked vegetables. She will eat tons of raw vegetables so I am not going to battle her at this time. She will taste anything Marc eats. She eats shrimp, crab, chili, any fruit even pomegranates. Sara will drink milk, have milk in her cereal, but has not been eating cheeses like she did as a toddler. Hopefully we can make some small progress over the next few weeks.
Evan is reading everything these days. He is constantly trying to sound out words and spell them. It is so fun to see how quickly they do this. He won the coloring contest in Kindergarten for his Thanksgiving book.
We have had observations days at dance and you can see Sara with her best friend from prek Abby. Also a video of some ballet.