I am tearing up a month later as I briefly relive it for our blog. As I have seen my friends loose parents to heart attacks, suicide, and breast cancer. I never anticipated losing my Dad at 72. He battled non Hodgkin's lymphoma for 4 years before undergoing a stem cell transplant last September. He was in remission from the cancer but lost his battle after all.
My parents live in the same neighborhood as us, so I feel the loss each day. Sara has adjusted and Evan has had a tougher time with it. In July my Dad made me purchase the one Lego Evan has been dreaming of. He gave it to him at the hospital and 4 days later Evan completed it, on his own. We were able to share the joy of Evan and Grandpa during those last few days. I hope Evan always remembers how special he was to my Dad and his special gift from Grandpa.
August flew by as we attempted to catch up and enjoy summer. The weather didn't always cooperate. Sara did learn to swim underwater and has no fear jumping in the pool. Evan overcame his fear of the pool and finally jumped off the side alone at the end of the summer. We practiced riding bikes. Sara is much more athletic and daring than Evan. She can ride like a pro with training wheels. Evan wasn't interested in peddling until half the summer went by. Sara swings by herself, and will do the monkey bars and turn around and come back on her own. Today my mom said she spent the afternoon attempting to climb up the slide and wouldn't leave until she mastered it.
School has begun. Evan had his first half day of Kindergarten and the remainder of the week will be full days. Sara goes for a full day on Friday. Lunch making and packing backpacks has begun! Evan wore his uniform for the first time today and was very proud to be in it. He came home and told me he didn't like Kindergarten but he didn't cry. Last year we had lots of crying.
I have the least amount of preps ever. I have 2 keyboarding classes and 3 accounting classes. I am anxiously awaiting the ipads we received from a Discover Card grant to be delivered. We have a class set of 30. I borrowed one over the summer and the kids and I have had fun learning and playing. Its amazing how quickly they become pros. The also argue over the Kindle Fire and the ipad. But they saved us each time we spent hours at the hospital or Hospice. The kids sat quietly and played and we were able to show my Dad pictures and videos.
I teared up reading your post, and I don't even know your dad. I am so sorry for you and your whole family. I think part of why it really hit me was because Paul's mom has non Hodgken's lymphoma also. She had chemo/radiation for it 5 years ago and is now back at it again this month. She's in her late 60's. I hope you and your kids have a great school year! Your hydrangea bush is gorgeous! I want one some day. Sorry my comments are rather disjointed. Sarah is AMAZING. I can't speak for Oliver yet, but neither of my other two are anywhere near as athletic as Sarah. Nadia (at age 5) just learned to swing herself this summer. Oh and if you need any app recommendations - I highly recommend Blob Chorus (free), Reading Raven, and Endless Alphabet. Another one that looks really awesome but I'll wait a little bit to start using it with Nadia is Stack the States.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kindness. I will try some more apps. I have been only putting them on the kindle since the ipad is my schools. So sometimes its limited through Amazon. Well its off for our first day of prek!