Evan told me last night as he was very tired and miserable and headed to bed, that I'm fired. I asked him what happens since I'm fired he told me he is going to spray me with a fire hose. Guess he took that word literally! We have still been happy playing with our Christmas toys and planning Evan birthday party.
Last week when I stayed home with Evan I let him choose invitations and an edible image for his cake on etsy. He chose and edible image we could personalize much to my relief. I made Sara's Minnie Mouse cake and it was so much work. Without two preschoolers running around it may have been easier. Evans image goes on a frosted cake and presto magic its done. Last year he was obsessed with Gordan from Thomas the train and we made an edible image cake after I was quoted $95 for a cake!
Sara is talking up a storm. She repeats anything we say and is putting 3-4 words together on a regular basis. Her speech isn't as clear as Evans was but she understand everything. She has also been prone to temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. She wants to do everything Evan does.
I took her grocery shopping and she saw corn on the cob. The 3 ears weren't terribly expensive so I bought them. Sara at 1 1/2 ears. Well Sunday Marc experienced blowout diapers. He called me yelling and telling me the new limit on corn was one ear! I couldn't help but laugh all the way home. Evan kept asking why I was laughing. I'm the one that has to deal with all the bodily fluids on a regular basis, so I guess it was relief and happiness it wasn't my turn. Its been a long time since she blew out a diaper!
This afternoon I had to attend smartboard training. It was offered by one of my friends that I had carpooled with for two years. It was so nice to see him. They also have two young children and we could commiserate on our lack of social lives! We had a 40 minute ride to school and had so much fun riding together. I haven't seen him since I lost Rachel and the twins and his wife invited me over for dinner. We keep in touch on Facebook but only live 15 minutes a part. I told him we would have to do a playdate.
Speaking of playdates we invited our good neighbors over on Saturday night. It was so nice to entertain and have the kids play. They had a blast playing in the basement and in Evans room. They a have two boys and Evan is right between then age wise. Evan is best friends with the oldest Joe and Sara plays with Dominic. Last summer she would stand on the driveway yelling "O, Ominic" O was Joe and we heard it all summer long! We spend lots of time with them in the summer but tend to hibernate in the winter. We decided it would have to be a regular Saturday night ritual - I hope so!
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