Thursday, January 25, 2018


Sara is slowly recovering.  She is still pretty emotional and wants Mom, claims she will miss me when its time to go to school and has cried many mornings.  She missed 3 days the first week.  The second week was a four day week and she made it for 2 whole days, went in late once, and came home early another day.  This week so far she has survived 3 full days, and came home early yesterday.  I ended up taking her back to the Pediatricians yesterday.  The good news is her lymph nodes are not as enlarged, her spleen seems okay, her tonsils no longer are swollen with white spots.  The bad news she has a  new virus or cold.  She is very congested and her throat hurts.  Normally this wouldn't be so bad but her immune system is so weak after Mono.

Sara has only left the house for school, Drs visits, dinner out last Saturday and 2 trips to Target.  I feel like we are all hibernating!

Poor Evan is getting the short end of the stick.  We rush through his homework because Sara wants me to lie down with her as she falls asleep.. that's another story.  She has been falling asleep with me and then either Marc or I carry her to bed.  This weekend I need to end this!  The other night I climbed in Evans bed to say goodnight and he said "Mom do you realize I'm Evan and you only do this with Sara"  Poor kids has been abandoned!

Marc is out of town tonight.. Selfishly its so much easier to feed just the kids.  I put a roast in the crock pot and I can make Sara acorn squash in the Instant Pot and Evan mashed potatoes and corn or peas and call it done.  Marc usually comes home much later so I feel like the kitchen never gets cleaned up.

Next week I start with new students.  I can't believe half of the year is over.  Hopefully the second half goes by just as quickly.  If only the summer would go slower!  So far no plans yet.

Marcs sister is getting married and has asked Sara to be the flower girl.   She still hasn't set a date but possibly next Easter or next summer.  Hopefully we can turn it into a vacation at Myrtle Beach or one of the beaches surrounding Charleston.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

New year... not starting out so well

As 2018 rolls in we are starting out on a rough path.  Sara has been diagnosed with Mono.  She went to the doctors twice the week before Christmas with a cough, and sore throat.  I assumed she had strep throat since she is extremely prone to is.  She complained on and off during Christmas and also complained on and off that her stomach hurt.  She went to Gymnastics a few days before Christmas and when I picked her up she was crying.  She told me she cried the entire class and didn't know why she was crying.  The crying and emotions increased during break.   She became very clingy and wanted dozens of hugs and kisses before bed.  She then became very anxious when it was time to return to school last Wednesday.  She told me she didn't feel herself and was an emotional wreck.  I chalked it up to the change in routine.  Well it only became worse.  So bad that I had read about PANDAS online and was convinced she had it.

I finally called a friend that is a child psychologist and she suggested the possibility of Mono.  Well I took her in Monday afternoon and she tested positive.  Since she didn't feel that bad I sent her to school Tuesday and I guess that was a mistake.  She was exhausted.  She hasn't napped at all but has laid around all week and doesn't have much of an appetite.  Her tonsils are huge and very red and now are starting to become covered in white spots.  Today is the first day that I thought she perked up.  When I ask her she says she doesn't feel any better.

She has managed to keep up with her homework.  Her teacher sent all her work for the rest of the week.  Thank goodness that Monday is a holiday so that will extend the rest period.

Last Friday we had a day off for the cold temperatures and today I was running around in a sweatshirt.  This weather is crazy.  I did manage to take down and store all the outside lights at 8am this morning!  Last week I made the kids clean the basement and we have a giant box of toys to sell and donate.  I packed away all the Legos, dollhouse, and sorted through tons of books.  Surprisingly Sara let me get rid of all the play dough.  Now she has progressed to the slime obsession.  Our one tip on slime is to combine glue with sta-flo starch.  It is much easier than any other recipe.

Our exciting news of the day is Marc's sister is getting married.  She had told Sara a long time ago she could be a flower girl.  Sara is thrilled, although no wedding plans have been made yet.  We will have another trip to Charleston at some point for the wedding.