1.We started the first week of school for me on a Tuesday, the kids on Wednesday, and open house for me Thursday night.
2.Soccer has been every Tuesday night and Saturday games. We have made some new friends with the other families, so its been fun. Evan isn't a soccer star but is slowly improving.
3.Sara has dance on Tuesday. I rush home from school, and of course one Tuesday a month is faculty meeting day. She has dance at 4:30-5:30 and Evan has soccer from 6-7, but it has been ending closer to 7:30. Tuesdays are a nightmare, Marc has been out of town each week. I have been cooking a roast in the crockpot, making potatoes when I get home and leaving Evan to eat and get dressed with my mom while I take Sara to dance. Then we rush home to switch clothes and head to soccer. Well this week we decided in advance Sara wouldn't go to soccer and would stay with my mom. On the way home from dance, a 3 mile drive, she started screaming. Blood was gushing from her nose and I had nothing to hand her. Poor Sara held her nose and managed to save her leotard but her hair and face was covered.
4.I am the sophomore class advisor. Luckily most duties are done by the end of September. I have had to do 2 concession stands for JV games. One on a Saturday morning and one on a Thursday evening. Yesterday I had to spend the day with the students making a float for homecoming. Then return to school at 5:15 to march in the homecoming parade. My kids had a blast doing this. I bought a ton of candy and they loved throwing it to the kids and they even saw a few of their friends from school. The kids even had bagpipers and a live reindeer. Our theme was celebrate the holidays. From there I had to rush to parent/teacher night at their school. It was a marathon of a day. Tonight I have to chaperone the homecoming dance. Not only do I have to do that but my students are selling the drinks, so my garage is full of drinks, that I am struggling to get cold. The dance is held at the fairgrounds, and no cooler is available. So I am filling my neighbors pool house fridges with Gatorade and water! I have two more concession stands left and most of my duties can be done. I feel like I am playing monopoly and I can pass GO soon! I do get paid well for this, so there is a reward.
5.It was nice to talk with Sara's teachers last night. Kindergarten is definitely the right choice for her. She is outgoing and independent. She also has everyone wrapped around her finger. My vain little girl hears how cute she is so often that she has learned to turn it on as needed. They did say she is always happy and smiley. Evan is the opposite he is more serious and reserved. They have small classes this year and that is fantastic.
6. I thought I was finally going to have a slow week this week and then realized I have a dentist appointment, my yearly OBGYN appointment, and a concession stand this week. The first week of November I am taking 25 kids to NYC... at this rate June will be here in no time!