Wow... we had our first recital and I am so impressed. The studio does a matinee for the under 7 classes. The entire event was 16 dances and was under one hour. Sara did fantastic. She is the teachers pet, and the helpers (this studio has high school girls assisting in class). It helps that the helpers all attend my high school. Sara was the first one out on stage and the first one out for the finale.
She was more worried about getting flowers after her recital than dancing in front of a crowd. As we walked in and she saw other parents carrying flowers she asked where hers were. We then passed a table where we could purchase flowers and she was very puzzled. I kept telling her I didn't know if she would get any or not. I had went grocery shopping in the am, and picked up two bouquets. Sara adores flowers, she would pick every flower in our yard if I allowed her to. This spring she looked out the window each day waiting for the first daffodil to bloom. Of course we had to pick it as soon as it bloomed! So after the recital Marc and Evan gave Sara the flowers. She was so proud. I had bought a bouquet of miniature roses. She was so excited to have roses. I told her you only get roses when someone really, really loves you. She told me her Daddy loves her lots. It was so sweet, and worth the cost of the flowers. She then had to remove the leaves and put them in the vase herself!
It was a long week, Tuesday was a rehearsal, Wednesday speech, Thursday my observation, Friday another rehearsal, Saturday a dress rehearsal and a trip to our cottage, and Sunday a 2pm recital, and tomorrow I give my final exam. She tested above her age level in speech. She has progressed so quickly through it and she works so hard. She was trying to tell me queen last week, and after correcting her and making her practice it a few times, she says it perfectly. I am going to continue the speech biweekly for the summer. I debated this but Evan has an open bite and he can be included in the hour too. He has a very slight speech issue with s, sh, z. Sara will get some extra so hopefully she will completely ready for kindergarten and to start reading!
The past few summers I had to beg Evan to swim, well once again today, my kids were in the pool first and the longest. I can't wait to go to Florida, I am determined to have them swimming solo when we return. Last year Sara was swimming underwater independently, but hasn't tried it yet this year.
Tonight we were treated to a beautiful double rainbow!