Wow, each year when the kids birthdays pass, I am amazed that I'm a Mom, and that the years are flying by. Luckily Evan is still Mommy's boy. I dread the age that this ends. I brought him lunch at school, a happy meal that he shared with his best friend. We had a family party on Saturday. On Sunday Evan was invited to a bowling party for a classmate. Wow, 21 kids, plus some friends and everyone brings a gift. This kid had more than we had in our house at Christmas. I am hoping these are not the norm in the future. Although the students in the current kindergarten class at Evan's school each have a birthday party and invite the entire class. Yikes pricey and crazy!

Evan had a great birthday and was so grateful. He thanked me over and over again for his gifts, his cake, his balloons. His favorite cousin wasn't able to make the party and I thought he would be disappointed but he handled it well.
Tomorrow I am volunteering at Evan's Valentine party. Can't wait to see how adorable the kids are.

We had Evan's 5 year Dr appt. He is 35 lbs, clothed and in the 11% for weight. He is 41.5 inches and in the 24% for height. The Dr asked him to write his name, and he asked her in big letters or little letters. He drew a stick person for her and then continued to draw a house, sun, and tree. She told me he is completely ready for Kindergarten, no surprise there. He received 3 shots, and did pretty well after crying for a minute. He still says his arm is sore, I'm assuming from the DTAP.
It was Sara's turn to bring juice to school this week. I put the bottle in her , backpack, figuring my mom would carry it in to school. My mom told Evan it was to heavy for her to carry. She looked at my mom in shock and said Grandma (usually its Yamma) I have big muscles. She then insisted on carrying it all the way to school. Today was her valentine party and I called my Mom this afternoon to see how it went. My mom said Sara didn't bring anything home and was crying that she didn't get any of the M&M's we made for school. I felt terrible, she was so excited in the morning. Of course I told her she would get lots of valentines and a few treats. Well after having my study hall students make a few valentines for her, I decided to stop at the church that she has preschool at. The kind secretary felt my pain and took me to the room. Sara's lonely bag was in the coat room. She was ecstatic to have it and to open and taste test most of her treats. She loved the star burst!