It has been a crazy week, I'm exhausted. I started back with students on Tuesday. My classes are bigger than ever due to all the budget cuts. My Finance Academy accounting class is 30 students. I have never had more than 25. On a positive note they all want to be in the class and are adorable. My schedule is nuts I'm in 3 classrooms, have 3 preps and am bouncing back and forth all over the building.
Evan had a half day on Thursday and a full day on Friday. He woke up very excited to go on Thursday and was all smiled getting on the bus. I came home at lunch to get him off and he was hysterical when he came off the bus. Poor baby he told me he hated school and all the teacher did was have him sit on a rug all day. He said she went blah, blah, blah, all morning long. I had to hide my smile for this one as I explained all teachers have lots to tell you on the first day.
So as I was getting ready on Friday morning he woke up furious he told me he wasn't going and demanded to know why I signed him up for school. Finally I calmed him down and he climbed on the bus with tears in his eyes. Luckily his best friend took control (a kindergartner) and told him to come and sit with him. He wasn't crying when he came home but he was exhausted and gave my mom a hard time. She ended up sending him to his room. I opened his backpack when I came home figured out what they did and started praising him. He told me about playing, gym, and then told me he had bacon in his pocket at school.

My kids love bacon and they had has a few pieces for breakfast. Evan had a t-shirt on with a pocket and a piece must have fallen in there. I asked him if he took it out and he said he as afraid his teacher would get mad! He told me he ate it when he came home. Too funny... we had lots of giggles about the bacon.
Last night we celebrated Marc's dads 70th birthday and took the kids to a Japanese restaurant. Evan told everyone he liked school. So the saga continues.