Monday, October 10, 2011

Evan's Prayer

My parents gave our nieces and nephews $10 for learning the Lords Prayer. I told Evan this last Thursday and by Saturday he had most of the prayer memorized. He wants to buy a boat from Cars 2. I was amazed he memorized this so quickly. My parents were blown away when he said it for them. He is a little distracted in this video but does very well.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Potty training is on...

Sara has been waking up from her naps dry and sometimes she is dry in the am. She will sit on the potty but hasn't actually went on it. This morning she woke and told me potty and book. So we both went on our potties at the same time. Sara went potty! I am so excited hopefully it will happen again soon!

Puzzle season has begun again for Evan he completes 4-8 puzzles during a sitting. He wakes in the morning and wants to do a puzzle before breakfast. He is usually completing 48 piece puzzles but can do a 100 piece one. He likes to do puzzles of his favorite characters last year they were all Thomas puzzles and this year its CARS. CARS is not easy to find in anything bigger than a 60 piece. He has such patience and will stay until they are completed. Sara wants to play too, although last week when we were busy she took 4 puzzles and dumped them in a pile. It was not fun on a busy day to have to put all of Evans puzzles together to straighten them out.

We also love to watch Word World on PBS. The kids have a few DVD's and recently Evan has been making a game of building a word. He takes the magnetic letters and has to run like a crazy man around finding more letters to build a word. He then sorts the letters and numbers and groups them by color. He can use them to spell his name and Sara's name. Hopefully he will show some interest in writing soon!
It is supposed to be a miserable weekend. Marc won't be home until this afternoon. I'm ihoping we can go to the big mall 20 minutes away and stop at Sams Club and Hobby Lobby too. I think Grandma will tag along for an extra set of hands/eyes. Her wrist is slowly healing she has OT twice a week.