Thursday, September 29, 2011

More Cheese Mama

Our first phrase! Yesterday I heard me up, and today we are up to a 3 word phrase. She is advancing quickly! Sara had her first solo day of preschool this week. My mom takes the kids to preschool on the days that I don't have to co-op. Sara took off and played right away, my mom snuck out without tears. Sara had a great day! Evan has had 3 solo days he goes twice a week. The first day he had a few tears but has done well ever since. He was the leader his third day, I'm not quite sure what this entailed but he was proud. He also earns a little piece of paper with WOW on it if he follows directions during storytime. He told me they couldn't move their mat in order to get a WOW this week. He is very proud of them. Hopefully we continue to earn them. I do know they become harder to earn throughout the year.

My brave little girl has climbed up the slide on our swingset and climbs over the back of the couch if there is a laundry basket or anything to stand on nearby. She nearly caused me to have a heart attack this week. I was desperate to get the kids in the tub and Evan reminded me that I had promised a freezy pop. So in desperation I told them they could have them in the tub. Sara was mad I wouldn't open it downstairs. As we were almost upstairs she headed back downstairs. I figured I would start the tub and she would be back up. Well a few minutes later I hear her say cut, cut and she hands me a very sharp paring knife. She had gone in the kitchen drawers and found a knife ( I thought these were far enough back that she couldn't reach them) and carried it up the stairs. Needless to say the knives were moved as soon as she finished her bath. Yikes! She is willing to do things Evan would still never consider doing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bouncing, bruises and babies.

We had a first black eye this week. Sara hit the drain on the jacuzzi tub. Poor baby, she thought it was fun to stand up and fall to her knees, yes she is my daredevil child. I thought she just fell in the water and when I calmed her down we had a cut under her eye and an instant black eye. Almost a week later its healed to a yellow eye. The following day she fell at the playground and bruised and brushburned her forehead.

The bouncing in this house is non stop. I remember taking Evan to gymnastics at 18 months and I had to hold him to bounce on the trampoline. Sara has been bouncing for months. Evan climbs in his toddler bed which has 3 crib sides and holds on the side and says Sara lets bounce. The two of them have a ball yelling bounce, bounce, bounce and jumping up and down. I think Evans feet are a foot off the bed. We had a new couch delivered yesterday and I told the kids the delivery men would take it back if they bounced on it. So far its worked but they rip the pillows off instead.

Evan gave Sara a Fisher Price doll for Christmas. After meeting one of my friends babies Evan decided it was his baby Dani. He went through a phase where baby Dani slept with him and he wouldn't let Sara touch her. We bought a new baby for Sara and she calls it ba-be. She pretends to feed her and insists on sleeping with ba-be. She even pretends to feed baby, its so sweet.

This morning at 6:15 Evan came in our room as I was getting ready. He said Mom I looked out my window and there were stars. He asked to go outside and see them, we haven't done this in ages. There couldn't be a better way to start the day then outside holding our miracle baby and looking at the moon and stars. He asked me what if Sara wakes up, I assured him she was safe sleeping in her crib.

Evan makes me laugh yesterday we saw the neigbors lap dog and he said Mom when is that dog going to get big? On the way home today he said Mom I need to poop, I asked if he could hold it we were 2-3 minutes from home. He became very quiet, Evan usually verbalized everything. So I asked if he wanted to sing a song hoping it would distract him. He said no I need to worry about pooping. I couldn't stop laughing! When I left him at the sitters today he said goodbye Holly (the girl secret agent in CARS) I told him goodbye Finn (the boy agent) he said keep all the bad guys out of school today. His vocabulary and imagination are so fun these days.

Saras vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds. She will tell us miss you, love you, diaper and hold it to tell us its dirty. Evan has her say Chick Hicks, bad guy, and Minnie. One of the clearest words is apple she says it perfectly.